Accredited Training Provider

We are proud to be accredited by leading national and international construction bodies. The allows us to deliver high standards across our courses which are routinely audited to ensure continuous improvements in our approach. Below are some of the bodies we are accredited by:

IOSH Approved Training Provider

Proudly accredited by the worlds foremost body on Occupational Health & Safety and regularly achieving excellent in our audits. Working alongside IOSH allows us to gain an insight into the latest improvements in the ever-changing workplace environment. During COVID-19, we switched to Online training to ensure compliance in health and safety remains paramount.

ProQual Approved Provider

Accredited by ProQual, a leading UK awarding body that is approved by Ofqual. We pride ourselves on working closely with ProQual to deliver National Vocational Qualifications spanning many sectors. Through regular conferences and audits, we are always providing our students with the latest insights into their industry’s and in the process helping them achieve qualifications which are recognised internationally.