23 Feb 2022

Why Is First Aid at Work Important?

The UK has one of the best health and safety records in the world – and that’s down to the commitment companies across the country have to provide their staff with the correct resources and training. However, accidents can and do happen, which is why it is really important to maintain great health and safety protocols in the workplace.

Workplace injuries

Workplace injuries place a real strain on businesses, and in 2021, 441,000 employees suffered a non-fatal accident in the workplace. Of those, 339,000 had to take up to 7 days off of work, and the remaining 102,000 suffered from injuries requiring more than 7 days absence.

What are the most common causes of injury in the workplace? In order of prevalence, they are:

  • Slips, trips or falls on the same level (33%)
  • Handling, lifting or carrying (18%)
  • Struck by a moving object (10%)
  • Acts of violence (8%)
  • Falls from a height (8%)


Sadly, 147 people died as a result of an accident in the workplace in the years 2020/21, showing that health and safety training really is essential. Knowledge of regulations and practical safety techniques that a delegate picks up during a training course do have the power to save lives.

Mental health first aid

You may also be unable to deliver the same high quality of service to your customers and clients with a shortage of staff, and work will take longer to complete without your full team present. This can lead to those people who previously favoured your business taking their custom elsewhere. Proper health and safety training can help to prevent this.

Training with us

Good health and safety training is vital if you are going to prevent a loss of earnings, as well as protecting your team. Here at SRP Training, we provide a wide range of health and safety courses for customers to take their pick from. Whether you are looking to boost your skills in a particular area, or want comprehensive training that covers all bases, we will be able to help.

We are here to help

Our courses range from 5 days to just ½ a day and are all delivered by expert tutors at our training centre, on-site, or online. Weekend and evening sessions are also available.

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