SRP Training are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our customers, whether is a general website visitor or a delegate on a course. We would like to let you know that SRP Training will never pass directly or indirectly any of your personal details onto other organizations for marketing purposes. We at SRP Training simply don’t do that. Just to reassure you of this stance, in this policy, we’ve provided detailed information on when, how and why we collect your data as well as the conditions under which we may disclose it to others and how we keep your data secure.
Types of Data that we collect and how it’s used:
- Google Analytics: When someone visits our website (, we use a third party service (Google Analytics) to collect standard internet log information and details of visitors behavior patterns. We do this to analyze data such as the number of visitors to the various sections on our website. We do not make or allow Google any attempt to find out the identities of the visitors to our website.
- Mailing Lists: During your registration, you may be asked for subscription to the monthly E-Newsletter. As part of that, we collect personal information. We use this information for a few reasons: To tell you about stuff you’ve requested us to tell you about; to contact you if we need to obtain or provide additional information; to check our records are right and to check every now and then that you’re happy with our services. We will not, in any way, rent or trade email lists with other organizations and businesses.
If at any point you wish to unsubscribe from the mailing lists, you can do so with a the “Unsubscribe now” button on every email received from SRP Training. Alternatively, you are able to also unsubscribe by emailing the Data Protection Officer, Robert Thomas Howard at
- Purchase details: When you purchase a training course at SRP Training, whether it is by telephone or online; your name, address, email and contact number with details of how you found us will be stored in our Customer Relationship Management system (CRM). You may, of course, purchase a training course(s) in person without supplying the mentioned personal data. Please be assured, at SRP Training, we do not share your personal details with any other company without your consent.
- Other Organizations: We may share anonymized personal information with other organisations, particularly CITB, who use this to generate Course Pass Certification. It is important to note, that we will not share any sensitive information or your payment details with any other organization.
- Personal Use: We may collect your data for your personal use during and after your course with us. This is for the following uses:
- to provide progress reports to sponsors and students
- to provide references to educational institutes and potential employers.
- Access to your personal data: You are entitled to view, amend or delete the personal information that we hold. Email your request to our Data Protection Lead, Robert Thomas Howard at
- Personal Information: Information about your disability status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or religion may be included in your HSEA information and used to assist with monitoring equality of opportunity and to eliminate unlawful discrimination in accordance with the Equality Act.